Applejack For Os X 10.8

Climbing rose form, one of Dr.Buck's most popular roses. Slightly fragrant with the scent of apples and cloves. These large single 3 12" blooms of pink are produced on an arching bush with mid-green foliage that shows the texture of one of its parents, the wild rose 'Rosa Laxa', a very vigorous upright bush with arching canes. May be grown as a short climber. Winter hardy in Iowa without.

Under that is says, 'To avoid problems with your computer, quit any applications you are not using. Closing windows and removing files from your startusp disk will also help.' In the area where it shows what applications/files are running, it only shows Safari and Finder. I have tried quitting Safari and restarting Finder like it says but the box just keeps popping up every time I restart Safari, Firefox, Chrome, etc. I have read into this problem a little by searching the question and I have gone into my activity monitor based on others responeses to this question, but i don't understand what the activity monitor is saying or what to do within that program. I'm not very good on computers, so specific, step-by-step help will be greatly appreciated!!!

Not really. Photoshop, Numbers however I do have 3 browsers running with a number of active windows.
I'm beginning to think this is a Firefox issue. Activity Monitor is showing Firefox as the largest use of memory at 2.57GB (I'm on my MacPro currently) with nothing else even close to that. 6 FF windows open.
One of my designers has just told me that he's been having the issue for a couple of weeks on his iMac too. He's concluded the same about FF and instead of leaving windows open overnight he's been quiting FF altogether in the evening and has not had the issue in the morning when he wakes his machine. (That's when it's been happening on both of mine, in the morning after leaving FF running overnight).

Similar Messages

  • When I open my iMac, I get the following message : Your Mac OS X startup disk has no more space available for application memory. Then it says to quit applications not in usw and to close windows and remove files from startup disk. It lists Safari, email and Finder. I force a quit on all applications yet the same message comes up every time I open an application. What do I do to get rid of this once and for all? The computer is not even two years old and is only used for email and Safari. Help will be greatly appreciated,

    The message has nothing to do with low disk space.
    There is excessive swapping of data between physical memory (that is, the memory chips on the logic board) and virtual memory (one or more files on the startup volume.) That activity is relatively slow and causes the whole system to be less responsive. It can happen for two reasons:
    A long-running process with a memory leak (a kind of bug)
    Not enough memory for your usage pattern
    Tracking down a memory leak can be difficult, and it may come down to a process of elimination.
    These instructions are for OS X 10.9 ('Mavericks.') The procedure may be slightly different for earlier versions of OS X.
    When you notice the swap activity, open the Activity Monitor application and select All Processes from the View menu, if it's not already selected. Select the Memory tab. Click the heading of the Real Mem column in the process table twice to sort the table with the highest value at the top. If you don't see that column, select
    View ▹ Columns ▹ Real Memory
    from the menu bar.
    If one process (excluding 'kernel_task') is using much more memory than all the others, that could be an indication of a leak. A better indication would be a process that continually grabs more and more real memory over time without ever releasing it. Here is an example of how it's done.
    The processes named 'Safari Web Content' render web pages for Safari. They use a lot of memory and may leak if certain Safari extensions or third-party web plugins are installed. Consider them prime suspects.
    Another process often implicated in memory leaks is 'inkjet4' or 'inkjet8,' which is a component of the HP printing software. If it's present, force-quit the process in Activity Monitor to solve the problem temporarily. Empty the print queues in the Printers & Scanners preference pane (which has a slightly different name in each recent version of OS X.) If you don't use an HP printer, remove the software. Otherwise, if the problem is recurrent, update the software (which may not help) or contact HP support.
    'Wired' memory should be a small part of the total. That memory is not swapped, but it makes less physical memory available which may then result in swapping. If you have a lot of wired memory, that's usually an indication of a memory leak in a third-party program that modifies the operating system at a low level. Ask for guidance in that case.
    If you don't have an obvious memory leak, your options are to install more memory (if possible) or to run fewer programs simultaneously.
    The next suggestion is only for users familiar with the shell. For a more precise, but potentially misleading, test, run the following command:
    sudo leaks -nocontext -nostacks process | grep total
    where process is the name of a process you suspect of leaking memory. Almost every process will leak some memory; the question is how much, and especially how much the leak increases with time. I can’t be more specific. See the leaks(1) man page and the Apple developer documentation for details.

  • The full message reads as, '
    Force Quit Applications
    Your Mac OS X startup disk has no more space available for application memory.
    To avoid problems with your computer, quit any applications you are not using. Closing windows and removing files from your startup disk will also help.'
    Currently I have:
    Capacity: 319.73GB ; Available: 299.11GB ; Used: 20.62GB
    Why am I receiving this message and being forced to force quit items? Both times the message has been received, Safari was open (frozen) while checking yahoo! mail.
    I received my MacBook Pro as a gift less than a month ago and I have only saved 20 pictures within iPhoto and installed Skype and other modifications from default have been made.
    Any idea?

    The full message reads as, '
    Force Quit Applications
    Your Mac OS X startup disk has no more space available for application memory.
    To avoid problems with your computer, quit any applications you are not using. Closing windows and removing files from your startup disk will also help.'
    Currently I have:
    Capacity: 319.73GB ; Available: 299.11GB ; Used: 20.62GB
    Why am I receiving this message and being forced to force quit items? Both times the message has been received, Safari was open (frozen) while checking yahoo! mail.
    I received my MacBook Pro as a gift less than a month ago and I have only saved 20 pictures within iPhoto and installed Skype and other modifications from default have been made.
    Any idea?

  • Why does Mac Book Pro show your mac os z startup disk has no more space available for application memory

    Why does Mac Book Pro show your mac os z startup disk has no more space available for application memory

  • I've searched the web high and low to resolve this issue, tried many different approaches, and have not been able to resolve it. I'm really looking for help at this point.
    I'm trying to export a 5 minute video that I've put together using FCPX 10.0.8. I export 'master file' to an external hard drive and at some point in the export process I get the following popup:
    System information:
    13' mid-2011 Macbook Air
    Processor 1.8 GHz Intel Core i7
    Memory 4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3 (2GB x2)
    Graphics Intel HD Graphics 3000 384 MB
    Software Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5
    Hard drive: 256 SSD (107 GB available)
    FCPX project information:
    FCPX media is stored on SSD system drive and exporting to external drive
    Media is 1080p 24 frame footage shot using a Canon T2i
    Total Length of project is 5:13
    Background rendering is off
    Proxy media is created for all media but I am exporting original media
    I've tried the following:
    Freeing up more hard drive space - I've anywhere from 25 GB to 107 GB free and it does not seem to matter how much free space I have, I still get the error
    Repairing system drive - I've repaired permissions with Disk Utility and I've even performed a drive Rebuild using DiskWarrior
    Cleaning up FCPX project - I've gone through and deleted all unused media, deleted project and event render files, etc
    Cleared RAM - During export I've repeatedly ran MemoryKeeper to clear RAM and free up more memory
    System restart before attempting the export and I also boot up holding 'shift' which blocks unnecessary background tasks, dropbox, etc from starting
    I've exported longer and more complex projects using the same setup with no problem, also with less free disk space
    I've never seen this error in any other situation
    The error will pop up anywhere from the export being 35% to 98% completed
    Activity Monitor during export:
    The only processes that are taking up any considerable memory are FCPX and kernal_task
    '% CPU' on FCPX jumps around from 60% or less to 250% or more
    FCPX usually has 83 threads
    'Real Memory' for FCPX can be anywhere from 300 MB to 2 GB
    It seems that when the export is at about 25% or 30% that is when the computer starts slowing down, 'Free' system memory goes down to mere megabytes, and a ton of swapfiles start to generate in .../var/vm folder which will build up until I'm out of disk space
    Sometimes the error will pop up even before I run out of disk space due to the swapfiles. Last time it came up when I still had 40 GB free
    Screenshot of Activity Monitor 'System Memory' during a previous attempt to export, taken right as the error popped up:
    Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help me figure this one out!

    I've tried the following:
    Freeing up more hard drive space - I've anywhere from 25 GB to 107 GB free and it does not seem to matter how much free space I have, I still get the error
    Repairing system drive - I've repaired permissions with Disk Utility and I've even performed a drive Rebuild using DiskWarrior
    Cleaning up FCPX project - I've gone through and deleted all unused media, deleted project and event render files, etc
    Cleared RAM - During export I've repeatedly ran MemoryKeeper to clear RAM and free up more memory
    System restart before attempting the export and I also boot up holding 'shift' which blocks unnecessary background tasks, dropbox, etc from starting
    Activity Monitor during export:
    The only processes that are taking up any considerable memory are FCPX and kernal_task
    '% CPU' on FCPX jumps around from 60% or less to 250% or more
    FCPX usually has 83 threads
    'Real Memory' for FCPX can be anywhere from 300 MB to 2 GB
    It seems that when the export is at about 25% or 30% that is when the computer starts slowing down, 'Free' system memory goes down to mere megabytes, and a ton of swapfiles start to generate in .../var/vm folder which will build up until I'm out of disk space
    Sometimes the error will pop up even before I run out of disk space due to the swapfiles. Last time it came up when I still had 40 GB free
    Like Russ said, your system specs are pretty marginal - especially the 4GB of RAM. As you are experiencing this sometimes gets rapidly depleted, so the system starts to use swap on the system drive - the internal SSD. You have written about freeing hard drive space - do you mean in the external? You really need room in the internal SSD: not for your export, but for system stuff like sleepimage, swap space etc. The error message is pretty clear: you reached a situation where there is not enough space in the SSD for your system to work properly.

  • What burns me is this problem of slowing down to a crawl and freezing up because of something called 'memory leaks' which nobody at Apple seems to be able to eliminate with any new iteration of the OS X?
    Can you maybe try to explain this in layman's terms to someone who is a graphic artist/designer and not an IT tech?
    Suggestions for more RAM are easy for those who can actually add more RAM, but my iMac is maxed out at 6Gigs, so tell me why my Adobe Creative Suite CS3 worked for the past few years without issues as had my HP Color LaserJet 2600n? Now that I've 'upgraded' the OS X my machine is slowing up to a snails pace compared to 3 years ago. And I went into the printer drivers section and I was told I don't have permission to delete drivers for odd-ball printers that I don't have?
    So for those that need the information:
    I'm running OS X v.10.8.4 (12E55)
    2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    Memory is 6 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM
    Boot ROM Version:
    SMC Version (system):
    Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 2600 Pro 256 MB
    Primary HDD is 500 GB with 182.77 GB free
    <Edited By Host>

    Tracking down a memory leak can be difficult, and it may come down to a process of elimination.
    When you notice the swap activity, open the Activity Monitor application and select All Processes from the menu in the toolbar, if not already selected. Click the heading of the Real Mem column in the process table twice to sort the table with the highest value at the top. If you don't see that column, select
    View ▹ Columns ▹ Real Memory
    from the menu bar.
    If one process (excluding 'kernel_task') is using much more memory than all the others, that could be an indication of a leak. A better indication would be a process that continually grabs more and more real memory over time without ever releasing it. Here is an example of how it's done.
    The process named 'Safari Web Content' renders web pages for Safari and other applications. It uses a lot of memory and may leak if certain Safari extensions or third-party web plugins are installed. Consider it a prime suspect.
    If you don't have an obvious memory leak, your options are to install more memory (if possible) or to run fewer programs simultaneously.
    The next suggestion is only for users familiar with the shell. For a more precise, but potentially misleading, test, run the following command:
    sudo leaks -nocontext -nostacks process | grep total
    where process is the name of a process you suspect of leaking memory. Almost every process will leak some memory; the question is how much, and especially how much the leak increases with time. I can’t be more specific. See the leaks(1) man page and the Apple developer documentation for details.

  • Suddenly over the past 2-3 weeks, first my iMac, then my Mac Pro both started giving me the pop-up error message: 'Your mac os x startup disk has no more space available for application memory' offering for me to Force Quit open applications. Which does not work. Restarting temporarily helps, but the error will eventually return.
    I have over 50% available in HD space on the iMac.
    Also, I do not know if this is related, but the computers are running very slowly as well.
    Additionally, before all of this, our Contact data, sync with Mobile Me, tripled in size with duplicates and jumbled messages.
    Seemed like a cascade of failures beginning with contacts and ending with the memory error.
    I have tried Applejack several times to no avail.
    Any one have any ideas? Thanks.

    CMCSK wrote:
    first my iMac, then my Mac Pro
    I have over 50% available in HD space on the iMac.
    What about the Mac Pro? How large is your hard drive on both computers?
    Problem first appeared on the iMac, then the MacPro starting giving the same error.
    MacPro 999.5 GB total, 277 GB available
    iMac 499.76 GB total, 214 GB available
    'Your mac os x startup disk has no more space available for application memory'
    Is FileVault enabled?
    Never (unless it turned on itself)
    have tried Applejack several times to no avail.
    Have you tried using _Disk Utility from your install disc?_
    From the HD, but not from from install disk. I will dig it out and try it.
    Did you run Apple's Hardware Test?
    Where do I find this?
    Did you disconnect all peripherals except for the keyboard & mice while troubleshooting?
    I did not since I am having the same problem on 2 different computers.
    the computers are running very slowly as well.
    Check the items in the Login Items. Delete or disable all you do not need.

  • My MacBook Pro (version 10.7.5 4GB)keeps crashing with the error message 'Your MAC OSX start up disk has no more space available for application memory' - what do i do. I keep force quitting the applications and turning the computer off but it happens again after a while

    Hhow much goal and free hard disk space is available? Sounds like you need to move some things off of that hard drive.

  • My MAC OS X startup disk has no more space available for application memory.

    HI there linc, i followed your post on another mac forum... this is the first time i've done this so not sure if you reply or anything but i followed all your parts on the other forum and received the following notices... what do you advise?! sorry if you are bored of these! and appreciate it... quite proud i managed to carry out all the steps! ALSO NOT SURE IF FOUR IS RIGHT!!! SEEMS A BIT LONG?!
    PART 1
    com.rim.driver.BlackBerryUSBDriverInt (0.0.68)
    PART 2
    Adobe AIR.framework
    DivX Toolkit.framework
    /Library/Input Methods:
    /Library/Internet Plug-Ins:
    Disabled Plug-Ins
    EPPEX Plugin.plugin
    Flash Player.plugin
    Google Earth Web Plug-in.plugin
    Quartz Composer.webplugin
    QuickTime Plugin.plugin
    /Library/Internet Plug-Ins (Disabled):
    Flash Player.plugin
    /Library/Keyboard Layouts:
    Flash Player.prefPane
    DivX Decoder.component
    DivX Encoder.component
    Adobe Unit Types.osax
    Microsoft Office.mdimporter
    HP Trap Monitor
    Library/Address Book Plug-Ins:
    Library/Input Methods:
    Library/Keyboard Layouts:
    [email protected]
    PART 5
    GrowlHelperApp, iTunesHelper, Mac_SwapperDemon, 3Connect Updater, CacheOutXHelper, CrossOver CD Helper, Google Chrome, iTunes, iAntiVirus, BlackBerry Device Manager, HP Product Research, HP Scheduler

  • My MacBook Pro is giving me teh following message box. 'Your Mac OS X startup disk has no space available for application memory' How do I correct this to improve the MacBook's performance?

    There is excessive swapping of data between physical memory and virtual memory. That can happen for two reasons:
    You have a long-running process with a memory leak (i.e., a bug), or
    You don't have enough memory installed for your usage pattern.
    Tracking down a memory leak can be difficult, and it may come down to a process of elimination.
    When you notice the swap activity, open the Activity Monitor application and select All Processes from the menu in the toolbar, if not already selected. Click the heading of the Real Mem column in the process table twice to sort the table with the highest value at the top. If you don't see that column, select
    View ▹ Columns ▹ Real Memory
    from the menu bar.
    If one process (excluding 'kernel_task') is using much more memory than all the others, that could be an indication of a leak. A better indication would be a process that continually grabs more and more real memory over time without ever releasing it. Here is an example of how it's done.
    The process named 'Safari Web Content' renders web pages for Safari and other applications. It uses a lot of memory and may leak if certain Safari extensions or third-party web plugins are installed. Consider it a prime suspect.
    Another process often implicated in memory leaks is 'inkjet8,' which is a component of the HP printing softwre. If it's present, force-quit the process in Activity Monitor to solve the problem temporarily. If you don't use an HP printer, remove the software. Otherwise, if the problem is recurrent, update the software (which may not help) or contact HP support.
    If you don't have an obvious memory leak, your options are to install more memory (if possible) or to run fewer programs simultaneously.
    The next suggestion is only for users familiar with the shell. For a more precise, but potentially misleading, test, run the following command:
    sudo leaks -nocontext -nostacks process | grep total
    where process is the name of a process you suspect of leaking memory. Almost every process will leak some memory; the question is how much, and especially how much the leak increases with time. I can’t be more specific. See the leaks(1) man page and the Apple developer documentation for details.

  • I am new to Macs and do not know where to go in the computer to fix this problem!

    Freeing Up Hard Disk Space
    Freeing space on your Mac OS X startup disk
    5 Quick Tips to Free Up Disk Space in Mac OS X
    Mac Performance Tips – Keep Plenty of Free Disk Space
    DaisyDisk - Analyze disk usage and free up disk space on Mac
    Clearing Disk Space on Your Mac - For Dummies

  • Since yesterday I get this message. I have seen there is a string on this but I can't find it back.
    I have:
    - A brand new MacBook Air 13 (May 2013)
    Processor 2 GHz Intel Core i7
    Memory 8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
    Graphics Intel HD Graphics 4000 512 MB
    Software OS X 10.8.4 (12E55)
    HD Memory 409 GB free out of 499 GB
    8 GB Memory installed
    One application open
    This message comes back whether I restart or not. On the other string they were recommending reinstalling the whole system or some ******** like this. If that is true, this Mac is worse then any Windows **** I ever had.
    Any idea, anyone?

    There is excessive swapping of data between physical memory and virtual memory.
    That can happen for two reasons:
    You have a long-running process with a memory leak (i.e., a bug), or
    You don't have enough memory installed for your usage pattern.
    Tracking down a memory leak can be difficult, and it may come down to a process of elimination.
    In the Activity Monitor application, select All Processes from the menu in the toolbar, if not already selected. Click the heading of the Real Mem column in the process table twice to sort the table with the highest value at the top. If you don't see that column, select
    View ▹ Columns ▹ Real Memory
    from the menu bar.
    If one process (excluding 'kernel_task') is using much more memory than all the others, that could be an indication of a leak. A better indication would be a process that continually grabs more and more real memory over time without ever releasing it. Here is an example of how it's done.
    The process named 'Safari Web Content' renders web pages for Safari and other applications. It uses a lot of memory and may leak if certain Safari extensions or third-party web plugins are installed. Consider it a prime suspect.
    If you don't have an obvious memory leak, your options are to install more memory (if possible) or to run fewer programs simultaneously.
    The next suggestion is only for users familiar with the shell. For a more precise, but potentially misleading, test, run the following command:
    sudo leaks -nocontext -nostacks process | grep total
    where process is the name of a process you suspect of leaking memory. Almost every process will leak some memory; the question is how much, and especially how much the leak increases with time. I can’t be more specific. See the leaks(1) man page and the Apple developer documentation for details.

  • I've searched around for answers to this problem, but haven't really found a solution yet. In most cases, the person truly is running out of hard drive space, or doesn't have a lot of free memory available.
    However, this isn't the case for me. I upgraded my hard drive to a 1.5 Tb drive in my iMac and did a fresh install of Snow Leopard. I'm running 4GB of RAM, and get this message sometimes when I have still 1 to 2 GB of RAM still free. I'm only using 500GB of my 1.5Tb drive!
    Generally a reboot makes the message stay away for a week or two, but to me that's just a band-aid and not a solution. Never had this issue with any of the previous versions of OS X that I have run.
    I did restore many files from my old hard drive, but no system files.
    Anyone have any thoughts? Driving me bonkers!

    Humbug. Virtual RAM has never exceeded the free space on my machine (currently about 120 GB) and you have an order of magnitude more than I. If a perusal of all the links from that search don't point to something that will fix or identify your issue, then I have no answers. I do seem to recall, however, that MS and Adobe apps sometimes erroneously post that warning message, but I haven't seen it.

  • I have plenty of memory,but I am forced to quit all my applications when the message appears.

    Have a look here...
    And Here > Where did my Disk Space go?
    Lion's Storage Display

  • My new Mac Air states that my ' Mac OSX startup disk has no more space available for application memory' and wants to force quit Safari. I have only added MS Office to the computer and Carbonite. Any suggestions?

    Select the icon of your startup volume ('Macintosh HD,' unless you renamed it) in the Finder and open the Info window. What value is shown for Available (space)?

  • For emergency repairs install the freeware utility Applejack. If you cannot start up in OS X, you may be able to start in single-user mode from which you can run Applejack to do a whole set of repair and maintenance routines from the command line. Note that AppleJack 1.5 is required for Leopard. AppleJack 1.6 is compatible with Snow Leopard.
  • Nov 19, 2019  Sadly, I only know one person with a genuine OS X Mac, and that's a G4 they keep for sentimental reasons. With or without Multibeast the system is dead once 10.6.8 is installed. IBoot will get me to the startup screen, with apple and rotating doughnut (if I boot using -x, I'll also get a progress bar below the doughnut).

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  • Developer / Product Page: The Apotek / AppleJack
  • Price: Free (donations accepted)

Applejack For Os X 10.8 10 8 Mountain Lion

AppleJack is a different kind of utility -- it's one that you'll probably only use when you're in a real bind, say with a Mac that crashes every time you login. In such cases, the usual advice is to boot off the installer disk, and use the various tools available there to try to fix the problem.
Os x 10.11.4 But what if you're traveling with your laptop, and you don't happen to have your install disk with you? Enter AppleJack, which runs only in single user mode (Command-S at startup). In its basic mode, AppleJack does five things (either as a group, or one by one): repair disks, repair permissions, clean up cache files, validate preference files, and remove swap files. You access these tasks through a text-based menu (as you're in single user mode, there's no GUI).

Os X El Capitan

Applejack Beyond the basics, an expert menu (press 'x' on the main menu) offers some additional (though unproven and potentially dangerous) options, including checking hard drive integrity, blessing the system folder, disabling auto login, and more. One of the less-dangerous and potentially very useful features in the advanced section is a memory tester -- if your Mac is having a series of odd, ever-changing crashes, it's possible you've got some bad RAM, and a memory test is one way to find such problems. Apple's got a RAM tester on their Hardware Test disc, but it's great having one built into single user mode via AppleJack. AppleJack bundles Memtest, an excellent memory tester. (Note that to get access to memtestLion

Applejack For Os X 10.8 Mac Os X 10 8 Free

, you'll need to install it when you install AppleJack; read the Read Me for all the details.)

Applejack For Os X 10.8 Download

I've been waiting on this Pick of the Week for nearly a year -- until very recently, AppleJack wasn't compatible with Leopard. Now that it is, though, it's a great addition to your troubleshooting toolkit. You may not ever need to use it, but having it with you at all times (especially if you travel a lot) is a nice security blanket. (Dan Frakes recently covered AppleJack for Macworld; read his writeup if you'd like more info on the program.)