Os X Keyboard Shortcuts For Math

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

Sep 18, 2012  Pleae provide the keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Mathematics 4.0 Add-In and Microsoft Equation Editor. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question (3) Subscribe Subscribe. So you’ve mastered the fine art of keyboard shortcuts in Mac OS X, but you want to make your own, or alter existing ones; how do you do it? Or maybe you’re used to a certain keyboard shortcut that isn’t available anymore, or has switched to something else, and you want to change it back.

This article details some issues about designing a notation that represent key presses, as often displayed in software's graphical user interface menus.

Here's some sample shortcuts notations used for various keys, from Microsoft Windows. These are collected from: {Microsoft's Internet Explorer (Version 8.0), Windows Mail (Version 6.0)}.

Key Notations from Microsoft Software
NotationAssociated Menu Command
Ctrl+NNew Window in IE
Ctrl+Shift+HHistory in IE
Alt+Left ArrowBack in IE
EscStop in IE
F5Refresh in IE
Alt+HomeHome Page in IE
Alt+EnterProperties in Windows Mail

The Shifted Key dilemma: Shift+n vs N

When you see Ctrl+N, does it mean:




Best Keyboard Shortcuts

Both models do have some problems.

In my model, the notation to represent the keypress combination of Ctrl and Shift and 2 is Ctrl+@. The problem here is that the notation clearly shows 2 button press, yet in fact you need to press 3 keys.

In Microsoft's notation Ctrl+Shift+@, the problem is that there's really such key @. There's just Shift+2. The Shift+@ could actually mean something else in different International Keyboard Layouts.

Note that you can also write it as Ctrl+Shift+2. More than one notation for the same key press is not good. But also, it introduces another notation .

For example, the common key shortcut to zoom-in is pressing Ctrl and Shift and +. In Firefox on Windows, it is shown in menu as Ctrl++. Note that it made a choice to skip showing the “Shift” key. Normally, it really should be Ctrl+Shift+=. The reason that it made the choice of using the version not showing the Shift key, is because that way it is more obvious to see that “+” is zoom in and “-” is zoom out. That is, consider Ctrl++ and Ctrl+-, versus, Ctrl+Shift+= and Ctrl+-. (Just noticed, that in Internet Explorer, it actually uses this notation Ctrl +, without the “+”. This shows that the Microsoft UI designers are willing to sacrifice consistency for ease of understanding.)

This multiple representation problem occurs because of the fact that some keys are used for more than one glyph with the Shift key down (For example, “1” and “!”, “2” and “@”, “3” and “#” etc.). The end result is that there is no one-to-one correspondence with a key combination and its notation.

This problem gets worse with different keyboard layouts, because not all layouts have the same Shifted symbols. For example, i looked at the Spanish Spain layout, according to Wikipedia article on Keyboard layout, a key combination of Ctrl and the ampersand symbol, would be: Ctrl+Shift+6 and Ctrl+&. But in US keyboard and layout, it would be Ctrl+Shift+7 and Ctrl+&. This means, when given a shortcut such as Ctrl+‹symbol›, it does not always have a unique meaning, unless the layout is also specified.

Key Notation as Typed Characters vs Pressing Buttons

There's a precision advantage of notations as typing text instead of pressing buttons on keyboard.Because, if we treat the notation as chars to type, then Ctrl+& would be the only notation for this particular shortcut, so there's no Ctrl+Shift+7 or Ctrl+Shift+6 alternatives that are dependent on keyboard layout. This is what emacs do. Emacs is this way because it is evolved from 1980s, where there is not much notion of keyboard shortcuts, but more about programing and character stream entered by user.

The advantage of notation as indicating what buttons to press, is that it's more clear and better fits the purpose of communication.Because, it's more natural to think of keyboard shortcuts as pressing a combination of buttons than typing some characters with modifiers.

For example, consider what happens when user sees Ctrl+* vs Ctrl+Shift+8. The one with the Shift key is more clear, because it explicitly indicates that there are 3 keys involved. For the notation without the Shift key, it is odd because user actually need to press the Shift key yet it is not indicated in the notation.

Apple's Key Notation

Apple's OS X's key notation does not use the plus sign. For example, in Firefox for the Mac, to zoom in, the notation on the menu is shown as: “⌘+”, which means holding down the Command key and press “+”. The Apple model of notation is elegant, it but too, has problems.

Here's the Apple's key symbols in Unicode.

Command key • PLACE OF INTEREST SIGN (unicode name)
Option/Alt • OPTION KEY
Forward Delete • ERASE TO THE RIGHT

See also:Keyboard Symbols ⌘ ⏎ ⌫

In Apple's notation, symbols are placed in sequence one after another. For example, ⌥⇧⌘V.

In the Apple's model, adjacency implies pressing keys together. In order to use the Apple model, it is necessary to introduce symbols for modifier keys. If you don't use special glyphs, then Ctrl+N would become CtrlN. (Alternative is to render keys with boxes, example:CtrlN)

Apple Notation Problems

Note that Apple's notation does have some limitation too.

Problem with Key Sequences

One problem is with representing shortcuts that are key sequences. For example, in Windows, you can press Alt, release, then press f, release, then press o, to invoke the menu item for Open.This is a key sequence.Also, you can press Alt+space, then c, to close the window. In this sequence, it also involves a combination (pressing multiple keys together at the same time). Emacs use both of these type of key sequences, and extensively with the combo sequence. (example: Ctrl+xk, Ctrl+xCtrl+c, EscapeEscapeEscape)

Apple's OS X does not use any key sequences as shortcuts (unless you turn on sticky keys for those physically disabled). For Apple's notation to adopt to key sequences, it needs to introduce a separator. For example,⌘command+hiwould be written as ⌘H,I.Here, we used a comma as separator.

Note that the separator can be a issue itself. For example, if we use a comma,it is ambiguous because it could mean⌘command+h,i. But if we use space ⌘H I, then it leaves the question of how to represent the space key. (For example, one of emac's shortcut is Ctrl+Space.)

Some references:

  • Mac OS X keyboard shortcuts At https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201236
  • Keyboard shortcuts for Windows At http://support.microsoft.com/kb/126449
Os X Keyboard Shortcuts For Math

Notation as Human Interface vs Programing Language Syntax

A related issue is key syntax for defining key presses. This issue is entirely separate from Keyboard Shortcut notation. Key syntax is designed to communicate to machines. It needs to be completely precise. Key notation is used to communicate to humans.

There is no standard, of a syntax/language to represent key presses as needed in software that needs to deal with keyboard shortcuts. Each Operating system, or key macro, key mapping, key layout software, invents its own syntax. Here are some examples of the different syntax used by different systems:

  • Emacs's keyboard macros and key press representation in emacs lisp. [see Emacs Keybinding Syntax Examples]
  • Mac OS X's keybinding. [see Mac OS X Keybinding Key Syntax]
  • The X Window System's xmodmap. [see Linux: xmodmap Tutorial]
  • Programable Keyboard Macro Software. For example, AutoHotkey. [see AutoHotkey Key Syntax]

It is conceivable to have a key syntax that is as precise as a computer language yet also readable for human communication. The closest might be emacs's key macro notation, yet it has many problems due to historical baggage.[see Emacs's Key Syntax Explained]

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By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

This page shows you how to create a keyboard layout for inputting math symbols. for {Windows, Mac OS X, Linux}.

For example, you can create APL (programming language) keyboard layout,or for LaTeX/XeTeX, or simply as a system to type math symbols in plaintext.

APL Keyboard Layout

Unicode Font

You'll need font to display math symbols.

The DejaVu font has all APL symbols and vast majority of math symbols.

Download DejaVu fonts athttps://dejavu-fonts.github.io/

For other choices, see: Best Unicode Fonts for Programer.For emoji, seeDownload Free Unicode Fonts.

Unicode Characters

You'll need to copy paste unicode characters.Here's references.

Create Your Own Layout


For Mac OS X, see: How to Change macOS Keybinding


[Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator By Microsoft. Search the web. The links changes often. ]

Using Emacs

If you are using emacs, you don't need any of the OS layout.

emacs provides you the most flexibility. There are many ways to setup to insert a particular character.

Insert by Keyboard Shortcut

Put the following in your emacs init.

Os X Keyboard Shortcuts For Math Problems

The F9 key can be any other key.

see Emacs: How to Define Keys

This method of input is:

  • fastest for inputing symbols. Direct key press.
  • good if you have less than 50 symbols.
  • not good if you have hundreds of symbols, because it's hard to memorize keys.

Insert by Abbrev

You can insert Unicode by abbrev. For example, typing alpha follow by space, becomes α.

see Emacs: Abbrev Mode Tutorial

This method is:

  • good for hundreds of symbols, because this method lets you type a short name of the symbol, and is easy to remember.
  • slower than a keyboard shortcut.

Insert by Short Code and Activation Key

Another way is to type a short code, from 1 to 4 letters, then press a hotkey to change it to a math symbol.

see Emacs: Xah Math Input Mode

It is designed for working with typing math in general, not specifically for APL.

You can add your own abbrevs for APL symbols.

Mac Os X Shortcuts

APL Keyboard Keycaps

You can buy a keyboard with APL keyboard keycaps.

[see Unicomp Keyboard]

back toKeyboard Shortcut and Layout Tutorial

APL Keyboards

Os X Keyboard Shortcuts For Math Symbols

Keyboard Shortcut Design

Os X Keyboard Shortcuts For Math Worksheets

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  • paypal to xah@xahlee.org , $20 is nice.
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Math Keyboard Shortcuts Mac

If you have a question, put $5 at patreon and message me.